5 Ways to Get a Jump Start toward a Productive New Year
By Yes You Can Improve on Productivity This Year!
- Do you have regrets about last year’s productivity?
- How about your hopes for the coming year?
Before you ring in the New Year, spend some time reviewing and planning for continued or greater productivity and satisfaction. However, you may need to get in the mood for change.
5 Easy Productivity Tips
Here are a few “warm-up” activities to help set the stage for next year’s more ambitious projects.
- Move those muscles. Take a few 20- to 30-minute walks outside or get to a gym or mall. Don’t like to go alone? Call a friend or walk a neighbor’s dog.
- Catch up on some sleep. Go to bed an hour earlier, without the distractions of your mobile phone, tablet or computer. Spend some time relaxing before you hit the pillow and slide into slumber.
- Contact 3 or 4 friends or family that you might have neglected during the year. The holidays provide a perfect excuse to touch base and remember good times.
- Volunteer at a community center. Giving of yourself is a splendid way of nourishing your soul and boosting your energy.
- Clear some clutter. Even an hour spent clearing out a closet or recycling old magazines or catalogues can clear your mind and set the stage for greater productivity.
Of course, it’s important to remember the ways in which you were productive during the past year:
- What were your most productive and satisfying experiences?
- In what ways can such activities be replicated?
- What worked? What didn’t work?
For a few days, think positive and small. This type of “warming up” activity helps you to think objectively, make realistic productivity goals, and feel ready for next year’s inevitable challenges.
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